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Data Bootcamp: Fall 2020

Where and When

Problem Set Submissions

Assignments will be posted on NYU Classes. Submit your python code in ipython notebook format on NYU Classes.

Week By Week Topic Guide…

Python Fundamentals I:

Handouts: Outline 1 | Outline 2 | Book | Three ideas
Examples: Gapminder | Cancer Screening | Uber in NYC | Medical Expenditures | Mortality | Earthquake | Gender Pay Gap | Fertility | Vaccines
Summary: Intro; calculations; assignments; strings; lists; tuples; built-in functions; objects; methods; tab completion; True and False; comparisons; conditionals; slicing; loops; function definitions and returns; dictionaries.
What’s due:

Python Fundamentals II, Intro to Packages:

Handouts: Outline | Book chapter
Summary: Slicing; loops; function definitions and returns; dictionaries; packages; import; Pandas.
What’s due:


Handouts: Outline | Code_Pandas_Cleaning| Applications
Summary: Cleaning datasets.
What’s due:


Handouts: Outline | Code_Pandas_Cleaning| Applications
Summary: Filtering data.
What’s due:


Handouts: Shaping Outline| Book chapter
Code examples | current indicators | demography | Airbnb
Summary: Aggregations and grouping data
What’s due:


Handouts: Matplotlib Outline | Book chapter
Code_Matplotlib (Download “Raw” as ipynb)
Code examples | current indicators | demography | Airbnb
Summary: Three approaches to graphics: dataframe plot methods, plot(x,y), and fig/ax objects and methods; lines, scatters, bars, horizontal bars, styles.
What’s due:


Handouts: Code_Pandas_Combining | Summarizing
Summary: Merging. Combining dataframes (merge, concatenate).
What’s due:


Summary: Basic Regression Analysis
What’s due:

Machine Learning:

Summary: We will cover Scikit-learn, Machine Learning package to model various classification, regression and clustering algorithms.
What’s due:


FINAL PROJECT DUE (December 17, 2020)